
Quality is the first norm for art, but its final norm is love and truth, the enriching of human life, the deepening of our vision.

Peter S. Smith and Duke Special

A video of the song Condition by Irish singer-songwriter Duke Special with drawings by British artist Peter S Smith.
by Duke Special
I am perfect
I am broken
I’m adored
I’m unspoken
I am lonely
I’m contented
I am sane
I’m half demented
I’m belief
I am science
I am peace
I am defiance
I’m the cause
I’m effect
I am sober
I am wrecked 
I’m a whisper
I’m a quiet
I’m a loser
I am on fire
I’m an extra
I’m director
I’m a pen drop
I’m Phill Spector
I am nothing
I’m forever
I am right now
I am never
I am brilliant
I am done
I am deep blue
I am ZX 81
I am black and white
I am color
I am risk
I am mother
I am holy
I’m disaster
I am fucked
I am an answer
When all these fragments start to roar
Playing like an orchestra
Sometimes it’s hard to hear yourself think
It’s like the words are crawling back inside the ink
On the CD Oh Pioneer, 2012. Produced by Dave Lynch & Paul Pilot .
Duke Special is an alternative/indie singer-songwriter from Ireland. This year (2018) he will perform again at the Greenbelt Festival in England, an arts, faith and justice festival with a long history. and
Peter S Smith is a painter and printmaker with a studio at the St Bride Foundation Bride Lane, off Fleet Street in Londen.