
Quality is the first norm for art, but its final norm is love and truth, the enriching of human life, the deepening of our vision.


Journals worldwide


Kunst und Kirche (D) widmet sich viermal jährlich aktuellen Themen aus zeitgenössischer Kunst, Architektur und Religion. Kunst und Kirche | "kunst und kirche" widmet sich zeitgenössischer Kunst, Architektur und Religion (D)
Irénikon (F, E) is an ecumenical journal published by the Benedictine monks of the monastery in Chevetogne (Belgium). These monks adhere in their liturgy to the orthodox tradition in their church and to the Roman Catholic tradition in their chapel. For more than 80 years the journal Irénikon has published articles about theology, history, spirituality and monastic life, stimulating dialogue between the eastern and western European churches. Deals also with icons. With an English summary of the main articles. Revue Irénikon ( (F)
KADOC News letter (NL, E) is an e-newsletter of the Documentation and Research Centre on Religion, Culture and Society of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. KADOC collects and makes available heritage (monographs and journals, audiovisual and textual records) concerning the interaction between religion, culture and society in Flanders in its national and international context from the second half of the 18th century. The centre also organises colloquia and study days, exhibitions and concerts. KADOC-r-Newsletter – KADOC Documentation and Research Centre on Religion Culture and Society ( (NL,E)
KOORTS, the heritage magazine of KADOC, informs about religious, cultural and social heritage. (NL)
PARCUM-magazine focuses on the care for religious heritage. (NL)
Streven (NL), Prinsstraat 15, Antwerpen. Cultural and social journal for Flanders and the Netherlands. Deals with philosophy and religion, literature and art, film and theatre, politics and society. Also many book reviews. After 2019 only digital.  (NL)
Tertio (NL) is a weekly journal which follows and analyses current events and developments from a Christian (Catholic) perspective. Each week one article deals with art. (NL)
Agnoscis Journal has been started by artists associated with Morphē Arts. The journal will primarily publish critical writing about the specific practices of contemporary artists, alongside research-based experimental writing which seeks to unveil the theological within contemporary art theory and practice. Agnoscis Journal (E)
Art and Christianity (E), the quarterly journal of Art + Christianity.Twenty pages of features, exhibition and book reviews, news and comment on the latest from the combined field of art and religious faith. Journal — Art+Christianity ( (E)
The Big Picture is the magazine of The Kirby Laing centre of Public Theology in Cambridge. It is available as an online magazine and in print. It features regular articles on the arts. The Big Picture - The Kirby Laing Centre (E)
The Journal of Stained Glass (E). Produced annually by the British Society of Master Glass Painters to publish and promote research in stained glass. The Journal's interdisciplinary approach to all aspects of stained glass has made it a valuable resource for historians, students and anyone with an interest in the medium as well as for designers, craft workers and conservators. Featuring wide-ranging articles by recognized experts in the field of stained glass, each issue includes a provocative guest editorial and sections on: the history of stained glass; research and methodology; contemporary practice; and technical inquiry, as well as reports on stained glass at auction, prizes and awards, exhibitions, conferences, obituaries, and a comprehensive book review section. The Journal of Stained Glass is the only English-language publication to cover all of these subjects in depth. The scope is increasingly international, with recent articles from or about England, Iceland, Canada, Poland, Ireland, Australia and the United States. (E)
Material Religion (E), the journal of objects, art and belief, is an international, peer-reviewed journal which seeks to explore how religion happens in material culture: images, devotional and liturgical objects, architecture and sacred space, works of arts and mass-produced artefacts. No less important than these material forms are the many different practices that put them to work. Ritual, communication, ceremony, instruction, meditation, propaganda, pilgrimage, display, magic, liturgy and interpretation constitute many of the practices whereby religious material culture constructs the worlds of belief. Material Religion: Vol 17, No 5 (Current issue) ( (E)
MONK (E) is an international arts magazine exploring creativity and spirituality. Founded in 2018 it aims to be an inner space online, a devotion to the creative human spirit and its energetic relationship to the transcendent. In MONK’S imaginarium we showcase new paintings, fiction, podcasts, interviews, essays and more, with reflection, humility and an enquiring spirit on the phenomenological mysteries of the imagination. 
Second Spring, Journal of Faith and Culture (E), published by the Centre for Faith & Culture in Oxford. This Centre (Catholic) has for the last ten years been the custodian of the Chesterton Library. Apart from its Chesterton-related work, the Centre edits and publishes the international journal Second Spring. (E)   
Ars Magna. Since 1976, Kristillinen Taideseura (Christian Arts Society) has published the annual magazine Ars Magna. Members receive the magazine automatically and it is included in the membership fee. Others can subscribe to the magazine  here >>  
Bildimpuls (D), each fortnight E-newsletter witha visual meditation andnews about exhibitions etc. (D)
Institut für Kirchbau und kirchliche Kunst der Gegenwart Email Newsletter (D). (D)
Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Gegenwartskunst und Kirche (Artheon) (D), published on the website. Wants to inform about current art in the intersection of contemporary art and the Church. (D)
Das Münster (D), Zeitschrift für christliche Kunst und Kunstwissenschaft. Published by Verlag Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Regensburg. Deals with old and contemporary art, with information about and discussions of Christian art. Wants to serve art historians, artists, art lovers, museums, educational institutions, students, theologians, architects, and those commissioning artworks. Interdisciplinary with articles from theological, aesthetic, philosophical and historical perspectives. (D)
tà katoptrizómena (D): OnlineMagazin für Kunst, Kultur, Theologie und Ästhetik. Editor-in-chief: Andreas Mertin. (D)
Eikonikon (NL), journal about icons and making icons. (NL)
Jaarboek voor liturgie-onderzoek (NL,E,D), published by the Instituut voor Christelijk Cultureel Erfgoed Groningen and the Instituut voor Liturgische en Rituele Studies in Tilburg.The journal concerns itself with the study of Christian liturgy in all traditions, in all ages and all its facets: music, texts, architecture, iconography and ritual studies. Can also be read digitally. (NL, E, D)
Laetare. Journal for liturgy and church music, paying attention to church architecture and art in churches. (NL)
Transpositions (E) is the official blog of the Institute for Theology, Imagination, and the Arts at the University of St Andrews. (E) 
BART, Journal for Art and God(D). Two issues per year. Deals with contemporary art from an open Christian perspective. Introduction of artists and essays about art, society and faith. (D)
Crescendo Magazine (D, E). Appears three times a year. It examines a variety of topics relevant to Christian musicians and artists and gives updates of the ways God is at work in the music world. Crescendo is an independent branch of the inter-denominational movement Campus Crusade for Christ / Agape Europe. It now has full-time, part-time and volunteer staff members in over 10 countries. The international office is located in Liestal, Switzerland. (D, E) 
Forum Kunst und Kirche (D). Ecumenical journal of the St. Lukasgesellschaft für Kunst und Kirche.Wants to serve artists, architects, art historians and theologians. The journal appears also as pdf on the website. Publikationen - Lukasgesellschaft (D)
Agora Journal (E) is a publication for the cherished buildings sector. Produced bi-monthly in both high-quality print and digital formats Agora Journal has a global reach of more than 30,000 architects and decision-makers in the cherished buildings environment. The journal is passionate about architecture and preserving unique built heritage. Its projects and reports cover everything relating to cherished spaces – from churches to historic buildings, from public venues to listed structures. Each edition features new projects, company profiles, sector news and architect commentaries on completed works. (E)
Comment Magazine (E) of Cardus, Hamilton ON.  of Cardus, Hamilton ON. A think tank: an ideas lab for social innovation. Cardus is inspired by and works out of a long tradition of Christian social thought. This tradition has implications for how we think about economics, politics, art, sex and more. Our work is infused with the insights of this tradition, its virtues and its disciplines. Print issues and online articles. The ‘1000 words’ section deals with the visual arts. (E)
Crux (E), a journal of Christian thought and opinion, seeks to expound the basic tenets of the Christian faith and to demonstrate that Christian truth is relevant to the whole of life. Its particular concern is to relate the teachings of Scripture to a broad spectrum of academic, social and professional areas of interest. Crux has been published by Faculty and Alumni of Regent College, Vancouver, B.C., Canada since 1979. (E)
Ekstasis (E) is based in Toronto. In 2016 Ekstasis magazine was born. Art meets academia, kingdom meets culture; beautiful aesthetic design merged with thoughtful intellectualism and faithful orthodoxy. Ekstasis plays a unique role in the world of literary publications. We feature essays, interviews, photography and design that demonstrate the spiritual, intellectual and aesthetic depths latent within the Christian understanding of human life. Also online and with a bi-weekly newsletter. 
Imago Online newsletter and E-magazine (E). Imago is a Toronto based national arts organisation supporting Christians in the arts. E Magazine « Categories « Imago Arts ( (E)
Verge (E) is an online, open access, academic journal hosted by the School of the Arts, Media + Culture at Trinity Western University, Langley, Canada. The journal is committed to exploring the multiplicity of intersections between artistic theory/practice and Christian faith. Although global in perspective, the journal features a Canadian emphasis. Verge – a journal of the arts + Christian faith ( (E)
Adoremus Bulletin (E), a Catholic liturgical journal published by Adoremus. It features informative articles, news reports, commentary and opinion on the Liturgy, and provides a forum for its readers' views. The Adoremus Bulletin is sent (approximately ten times a year) to members, donors, and others who support the goals of Adoremus, as well as to bishops, diocesan liturgical directors and Vatican officials. Principles of Adoremus - Adoremus (E)
ARTS (E),The Arts in Religious and Theological Studies is the journal of The Society for the Arts in Religious and Theological Studies published by the theology and arts program of United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities. The journal treats broadly the intersections between theology and the arts. The Journal for The Arts in Religious and Theological Studies ( (E)
CIVA SEEN (E), journal of Christians in the Visual Arts (CIVA), networking organisation for visual artists in North America. (E)
The Curator (E) is the online publication of International Arts Movement (IAM). The Curator seeks to encourage, promote, and uncover those artifacts of culture that inspire and embody truth, goodness, and beauty. About all of the arts. The Curator – The Curator explores the meaning and matters of the heart and spirit reflected in cultural objects, experiences, and the arts. ( (E)
Edge of Faith Magazine– Art & Culture through a Christian lens. Edge of Faith gives voice to established and upcoming leaders in visual art, music, philosophy, and theology. Edge Of Faith Magazine
Faith & Form (E), journal of the Interfaith Forum on Religion, Art and Architecture (IFRAA), is published as a non-profit educational service to the professional, religious, and lay communities. Faith & Form represents clergy, lay leaders, artists, architects, and landscape designers concerned with design for worship. (E)
Image (E), A Journal of the Arts and Religion, Seattle, WA, Centre for Religious Humanism. Quality articles and reviews particularly on literature and visual arts from a Christian perspective. Also elaborate website. Journal - Image Journal (E)
ImageUpdate (E), email update, twice a month news about books, CD’s, exhibitions etc. Sign up for free! Journal - Image Journal (E)
Imaginatio et Ratio (E) is a peer reviewed journal primarily focusing on the intersection between the arts and theology, hoping to allow imagination and reason to be seen not as separate but as intimately intertwined-as different expressions of the same divine truth. Imaginatio et Ratio was started in the hopes that it could serve a growing community of artists and thinkers and strives to present accessible but high quality art, literary fiction, creative non-fiction, and theology/philosophy-as well as interviews and book, film, art and music reviews. The journal is published twice a year and is available in print and digital formats. Imaginatio et Ratio: A Journal of Theology and the Arts - Wipf and Stock Publishers (E)
In Pursuit of Truth (E), online journal of the C.S. Lewis Foundation, Redlands, CA. Articles on topics like architecture, aesthetics, the visual arts. Inspired by the life and legacy of C.S. Lewis, the C.S. Lewis Foundation is dedicated to advancing the renewal of Christian scholarship and artistic expression throughout the mainstream of our colleges and universities, and by extension, the culture at large. In this spirit, the Foundation offers this online, peer-reviewed journal to stimulate discussion concerning the relationship of Christianity to the academy and the arts. In Pursuit of Truth | A Journal of Christian Scholarship ( (E)
Letters (E) is the literary journal of the Yale Institute of Sacred Music. Letters promotes writers and visual artists whose work concerns matters of religion and spirituality. The journal publishes poetry, short fiction, nonfiction, and visual arts by people of all faiths. The editors seek to engage creative expression with religion, spirituality, and belief, and connect the life of faith to contemporary art practice. (E)
Mars Hill Audio Journal (E) is a bimonthly series of audio programs. Each program is ninety minutes long, consisting of ten- to fifteen-minute interviews with a variety of guests on a broad array of topics. Available in MP3 format, on cassette tape and CD. (E) 
MAVCOR Journal is an open-access, peer-reviewed digital publication published by the Center for the Study of Material and Visual Cultures of Religion at Yale University. Its “Object Narrative” division is for explicating religious images, objects, monuments, buildings, spaces, performances, or sounds in 1500 words or less. Visual culture encompasses not just “art” but also ephemera and what we might call “kitsch.” In addition to describing the object’s content, each writer also addresses, if applicable, its liturgical or devotional uses and includes relevant historical or cultural context. (E)
Orthodox Arts Journal (E) is an online journal to promote the revival of the traditional liturgical arts in the Orthodox Church. The Journal covers visual arts, music, liturgical ceremony and texts, and relevant art history and theory. It presents these topics together to highlight the unified witness of the arts to the beauty of the Kingdom of God and to promulgate an understanding of how the arts work together in the worship of the Church. In the spirit of the revival of traditional Orthodox liturgical arts sparked by Photios Kontoglou and Leonid Ouspensky, the Journal publicizes excellence in contemporary liturgical arts, emphasizing fidelity to the Church’s tradition of beauty and craft. (E)
The Other Journal (E) at Mars Hill Graduate School, Seattle, WA. An online quarterly publication at the intersection of theology and culture. Publishes creative writing, visual art, and scholarly essays that encounter life through the lens of theology and culture. Attempting to remain a notch or two more popular than the typical scholarly journal and a notch or two more scholarly than the typical popular magazine, our goal is to provide our readers with provocative, challenging and insightful Christian commentary on current social issues, political events, cultural trends, and pop phenomena. (E)
Proposon (E). Published by the Prosopon School of Iconology and Iconography,Whitney Point, NY. A journal about the practice and theory of the ancient Christian art of icon-writing in the Byzantine-Russian tradition. Prosopon Journal — Prosopon School of Iconology (E)
Radix Magazine (E).Radix focuses on the most critical issues facing the church: the interface of faith and culture. The articles explore art, literature, education, economics, families, health and media from thoughtful Christian perspectives. (E)
Reformed Worship Magazine (E) is published under the auspices of the Christian Reformed Church in North America, but is read by worship planners in a wide variety of mainline and evangelical settings. Though not aimed specifically at the visual arts, RW has published theme issues on the arts, and nearly every issue provides resources for visuals for the worship setting. (E)
Religion and the Arts (E) is an academic journal launched in 1996 at Boston College, which has a Jesuit, Catholic background. The majority but not all of the articles in this journal deal with the Judeo-Christian tradition. Seeks to explore religious experience and expression in the verbal, visual and performing arts, in the context of contemporary theory and culture. Religion and the Arts encourages the development of new religious critical discourses, in order to explore neglected dimensions of works of art, and open up new possibilities for the field. Journal Issues - Religion and the Arts - Boston College ( (E)
Ruminate: Faith in Literature in Art (E). A nonprofit quarterly print magazine of prose, poetry, and visual art that resonate with the complexity and truth of the Christian faith. Founded in 2006, Ruminate has quickly become a reputable national publication with award-winning contributors like Luci Shaw, Frederick Buechner, and Tyrus Clutter, and has been called "one of the finest Christian magazines dedicated to the ties between faith, art and literature." (E)
Sacred Architecture Journal of The Institute for Sacred Architecture (E). A magazine devoted exclusively to issues of church architecture from an orthodox Catholic perspective. Sacred Architecture is edited by Duncan Stroik, a professor of architecture at University of Notre Dame. This journal is the most recent contribution to the ongoing movement for liturgical renewal. The Institute for Sacred Architecture (E)
CS Arts, Chrysalis Seed Trust Magazine (E) is no longer being produced, but you can view their archive of articles and other materials. (E)