
Quality is the first norm for art, but its final norm is love and truth, the enriching of human life, the deepening of our vision.


Articles - Christianity and Art

Address by Pope Benedict XVI November 2009
Art from a Christian Point of View - Beat Rink
Art with Missional Intent in Paris - Steve Thrall
Artist´s Freedom & Responsibility - Seerveld
Calvinism and Art - H.R. Rookmaaker
Chaiya Art Awards 2021 - by Victoria Emily Jones
Collecting as a Calling - Sandra Bowden
Does Art Need Justification? - H.R. Rookmaaker
Ed Knippers and Use of the Nude in Art - D. Hatton
Faith, Art, and Peacebuilding - Laurel Borisenko
Good Depictions of God - Marleen Hengelaar
I Believe in Contemporary Art - Alastair Gordon
Images for the Spirit - M. Hengelaar-Rookmaaker
Interview with Brett aCourt - P. Crothall
Kuyper´s Ideas on Art and Religion - Peter Heslam
Kuyper, Aesthetics and Art - M. Hengelaar
Letter to Artists 1999 - Pope John Paul II
Maritain, Rouault, Chagall, Arcabas - D. Jeffrey
No Time Like Now; on Truth and Art - Steve Scott
Norms for Art and Art Education? - H.R. Rookmaaker
Nudity or Clothes? - Edward Knippers
Planting Seeds, Spreading Flames - Steve Scott
Play Time - Betty Spackman
Redeeming the Arts - Lausanne World Evangelization
Restoring the Arts to the Church - Colin Harbinson
Rouault and Girard - Jonahan Evens
Russia’s 1st Biennale of Christ-centered Art 2021
Sensuality and Spirituality - Geoff Hall
Silent Witness - Laurel Gasque
Socially Engaged Art - Adrienne Chaplin
The Bible is not Safe - Ned Bustard
The Christian and Art - H.R. Rookmaaker
The Vatican and Contemporary Art - Judith Harris
The Vocation of the Artist - Sandra Bowden
True Spirituality in the Arts - Edith Reitsema
What is Art? - Laurel Gasque
What is Christian Art - Aniko Ouweneel
Working in the Gap - Steve Scott